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European climate scientists warn against placing too much trust in the ability of nature’s carbon sinks to save us from climate change. This is the message from the European Greenhouse Gas…

Domains Atmosphere and Ecosystem just released updates of the final quality controlled (Level 2) ICOS observation data. The data covers for each station the period from its acceptance as ICOS…

After 10 years as an Observer, Switzerland has now become a full Member of ICOS. The membership required a particular decision by the Swiss parliament to allow membership in an EU organisation…

Dr. Dorothee Bakker (left) and Dr. Eric Kort (right)

Following the 19th ICOS General Assembly meeting last month, Dr. Dorothee Bakker and Dr. Eric Kort were appointed to the ICOS ERIC…

On 24 May 2023, the World Meteorological Congress formally approved the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch. This resolution is essential for enabling more efficient climate science aimed at actionable…

After passing a rigorous quality assurance process, 10 new measurement stations have received the status of an ICOS labelled station. The newly certified stations are located in Finland,…

The STILT footprint calculation and viewing services are now using the ATMO-ACCESS login page where you can log in with your university account, your ORCID or with an ATMO-ACCESS account. Read…

This year from 25 May until 2 June we organise the already 6th ICOS Summer School, as always at the Helsinki University forest station SMEAR and ICOS supersite in Hyytiälä. 37 students and in…

ICOS is looking for a Communications Trainee until the end of September 2023. You will be located in the Head Office in Helsinki, and report to the Head of Communications at ICOS. 

We are happy to introduce Theresia Bilola, the newest team member in ICOS Head Office in Helsinki. Theresia will be leading the KADI project. 

Theresia’s background is in social…